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Energi og informationsbærer

Water is the connection between the cosmos and the earth, between people and the environment

Water is the regulating power of nature in all those places where it can flow unhindered and find its path.

Energy and information are carried via water to living things.  The element water stores information and passes it on wherever necessary.

Where does water get its energy from?

Primarily from rocks and minerals, that also have an energetic connecton with the entire cosmos (moon, sun, stars ...)

This explains why water from different sources has, on the one hand, a different taste, and on the other hand, a different effect.  Even us humans take on energy and information from water.  The nature provides generously - we should accept these gifts gratefully.

  • Johann Grander Sen.

    (1930 - 2012)

    "Hvis folk bare viste at jorden er et levende væsen, så ville de behandle den helt anderledes"


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